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Yaa Jackson releases gospel song BBF Ebefa after she repented



Yaa Jackson releases gospel song BBF Ebefa after she repented

Kumawood actress turned musician Yaa Jackson is set to release her first gospel song titled BBF Ebefa.

Ghanaian actress turn musician Yaa Jackson some days back announced that she has now decided to accept Jesus Christ as her savior.

According to her, she would no longer go back to her former ways where she sometimes goes semi-nude on social media just for attention.

The new attitude of the musician shocked many since she was always noted for her skimpy way of dressing which always revealed some parts of her body.

After some days she has finally dropped her first gospel song titled Ebefa. Some fans who have seen this are happy she has turned a new leaf while others doubt her new decision.

Thus, with BBF Ebefa, Yaa Jackson is indicating that she would now live her life like the Believers Bible Fellowship (BBF) church people who are perceived to live in all holiness.

For such people, even the head of their female members are always covered, let alone for them to expose themselves.

However, while some fans have praised Yaa Jackson for her new personality, others think she is only doing so to promote her new gospel song.

Kuami, for instance, asked if Yaa has “repented for real”: usualkuami: “So u repent for real.”


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