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93-year-old’s plea for more beer during coronavirus lockdown goes viral



93-year-old’s plea for more beer during coronavirus lockdown goes viral

She couldn’t beer it any longer.

A 93-year-old woman made a hilarious plea from the window of her Pennsylvania home, begging for an essential supply of beer during coronavirus lockdowns, according to a report.

Olive Veronesi was snapped holding up a Coors Light can and a whiteboard saying, “I need more beer” at her home in Seminole, news station KDKA reported.

The photo, which was taken by a relative, has since gone viral on Facebook, racking up more than 10,000 likes.

Veronesi said the image has even resulted in some generous offers to get her more beer.

“It’s nice, something for a young lady,” Veronesi said, according to the report.


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