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Acne Facts Your Dermatologist Isn’t Telling You



Acne Facts Your Dermatologist Isn’t Telling You

Acne affects 50 million people in the U.S. every year. Are you one of those people losing their self confidence because of this skin condition?

People commonly start to experience acne during puberty. It affects adolescents and young adults from age 12 to 24 but it may still appear on those in their 30s and 40s, according to the American Academy of Dermatology. 

Acne affects an individual emotionally that commonly leads to lower self-esteem. There are a number of reasons why this skin condition appears but treatments are also available to help you regain that good-looking skin. 

a woman wearing a black dress

Acne Facts You Need To Know  

Acne May Indicate A Health Problem

When people see pimples growing on their face, they may seek treatments targeting pimples only. But in some cases, treating the effects of acne will not eliminate them entirely.

There can be other problems causing pimples. Meet a doctor before buying any acne treatments to know its root cause. Finding the source will help end your skin issue, according to Bulletproof. 

Skincare Can Be Damaging Too

Many people invest in products to maintain a good-looking skin. However, skincare products can damage the skin too. 

For example, using products that remove oil from your skin in hopes to avoid acne could actually trigger acne. Oil supports beneficial microorganisms that make the skin clear. 

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Gut Problems

As said earlier, there can be other sources of acne. One of the leading causes of this skin condition is in the gut. High consumption of sugar can cause gut imbalance, leading to acne. 

Antibiotics May Have Side Effects

Taking antibiotics as a treatment for acne can cause more harm than help you with your skin problem. Antibiotics can disrupt the gut and important microbiome that protect the skin. 

Dairy Products

One study found that dairy products, such as skim milk, can contribute to acne, particularly for teenagers. Such products can cause excess hormones on the skin.

Drink More Water

Hydration can help you keep a healthy skin. Drinking the right amount of water helps you wear and maintain a well-functioning urinary system, which both remove waste or toxin that may cause acne growth. 

Source: medical daily

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