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WHO identifies gaps in Ghana’s preparedness for Coronavirus



WHO identifies gaps in Ghana’s preparedness for Coronavirus

The World Health Organisation (WHO) says it has identified gaps in Ghana’s preparedness for any suspected or confirmed case of the novel Coronavirus, COVID-19.

An assessment report by WHO as of Friday, February 14, 2020, revealed that although the government has committed GH¢2.5 million for any eventuality, the amount is inadequate.

According to the report, Ghana’s total budget for COVID-19 preparedness stands at GH¢35million.

The report however scored Ghana high for the capacity to test for the disease at the Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research and the Kumasi Centre for Collaborative Research.

Ghana has been classified among Priority 1 countries in WHO Africa region for being at risk based on flights and passenger volumes.

So far, 15 suspected cases have been tested for with all 15 testing negative for COVID-19.

Nigeria is the first sub-Saharan African country to have recorded a case of the COVID-19 after an Italian citizen who works in Nigeria flew into the commercial capital Lagos from Milan on 25 February.

Challenges outlined by WHO

  • Inadequate funding to implement the various preparedness activities planned.
  • Support from Government so far has gone towards the provision of PPEs, coordination activities,
    health declaration forms.
  • Additional funding will be required to implement remaining activities.
  • WHO is supporting the country to identify priority areas as per the WHO national capacities tool to map out and access support for the preparedness process.
  • Total budget for COVID-19 preparedness stands at 35 million Ghana Cedis.
  • The table below presents funding gap for prioritised activities


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