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Akufo-Addo inspects Covid-19 designated centres today



Akufo-Addo inspects Covid-19 designated centres today

President Nana Akufo-Addo will today 4th March, 2020 inspect work done towards the preparation of an outbreak of the Covid-19 in the country.

He is expected to visit the Greater Accra Regional Hospital, Tema General Hospital and the Kotoka International Airport to interact with health officials who have been assigned to control the spread and outbreak of the virus. 

 Health officials in the country have assured that the country is prepared in the event of any confirmed or suspected case of Covid-19.

The Greater Accra Regional Hospital and the Tema General Hospital have been designated by the Ministry of Health as centres to attend to likely cases.

Several lives have been lost due to the outbreak of the virus and continues to spread worldwide with neighbouring Nigeria confirming its first case of the virus, an Italian citizen on Thursday, 27 February 2020.


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