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Melinda Gates says ‘dead bodies’ will be on streets in Africa



Melinda Gates says ‘dead bodies’ will be on streets in Africa

Melinda Gates, wife of world billionaire Bill Gates has claimed that developing countries including those in Africa would be badly hit by the deadly coronavirus pandemic.

She told American news channel CNN that the African continent is set to suffer great consequences if the pandemic reaches a peak there in similar ways like in Europe, America and Asia.

Melinda Gates who is also co-chair of the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation said cases are low in Africa because the continent is not testing as much as Europe, Asia and America.

Africa has recorded at least 13,686 cases as at April 12, 2020 with 744 deaths, and 2283 recoveries.

She fears things will get worst for Africa once cases peak because of poor health care systems and lack of humanitarian supports.

Malinda Gates said her worst nightmare was when she “saw what China had to do to isolate enormous part of its population. My first thought was Africa. How in the world are they going to deal with this.”

“I have been in townships all over Africa and slums. When we talk in country physical distancing and hand-washing, if you live in slums who can’t physical distance, you have to go out and get your meals. You don’t have clean water to wash your hands,” she added.

She continued that “It is going to be horrible in developing world and part of the reason why you are seeing the case numbers don’t look very bad is because they don’t have access to very many tests.

Melinda Gates then referred to reports of dead bodies on the streets in Ecuador and said “You are going to see that in Africa.”

Outrage from Africans

There have been reactions to Melinda Gates comments on social media though with many rejecting her prediction.


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