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I’m emotional, so what? Fools – Funny Face shreds critics



I’m emotional, so what? Fools – Funny Face shreds critics

The ongoing tension between comic actor Funny Face against Lilwin, Kalybos, Bismark The Joke, and Sandra Ababio is getting heated and nastier.

Funny Face, who reignited the beef with several videos on his social media pages, dared Kalybos, Bismark The Joke, Lilwin to utter a word and he will reveal all their secrets.

After the publications, some social media users took to their timelines and also under the comedian’s post to troll him; describing him as an emotional person.

Responding to the trolls this morning in a video, an angry and visibly sad Funny Face cursed critics who he says, because they have access to data just spew rubbish on the internet.

With a hoarse and faint voice, Funny Face, who seemed not to understand his critics questioned them on why they (critics) will jump on social media to troll people when they obviously don’t know the trauma the person is dealing with.

“Let me tell you something, you don’t know the prayers someone said before God gifted him with twins. You don’t know what someone went through, keep quiet when someone is going through a situation. Fools…he is too emotional. Animals,” he said.

Speaking in the Twi dialect, monitored by GhanaWeb, the Kasoa Vandamme as he’s fondly called cursed all trolls who went after him yesterday, adding that they will suffer and experience same pain he (Funny) is experiencing.

“You are on social media spewing rubbish, will that help you? Animals, I have cursed all of you. You will suffer, your beginning and the end, you will suffer. Animals! I am given you 7 years, from today to the next 7 years. You will lose every heart desire of yours. You will suffer, you will cry and with pains, you will say ‘ajeeii’ You will feel the pain I’m going through. Are you fools? Somebody is going through emotional trauma, fighting for his life so that he stays to take care of his children. Are you fools? Are you fools? Animals!” he is seen ranting in the video.

A shirtless Funny Face as seen in the video reiterated that it is his emotional characteristic that has shaped his brand and also giving him the opportunity to do big things for the poor, needy, and orphaned children in the society.

“It is my emotionality that distinguished my personality…Why Why, you keep saying emotional, emotional. Animals. It is my emotionality that helped me to host a 46,000 show, organize an orphan concert…”

Meanwhile, Lilwin, Kalybos, Bismark The Joke and Sandra Ababio are yet to respond to his accusations, though the 7-hour ultimatum given them has elapsed.

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