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Probe Abronye DC over murder allegations against me – Mahama writes to CID



Probe Abronye DC over murder allegations against me – Mahama writes to CID

Former President John Dramani Mahama has requested the Director-General of the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) of the Ghana Police Service to probe murder allegations made against him by the Bono regional chairman of the governing New Patriotic Party (NPP), Mr Kwame Baffoe alias Abronye DC.

In a letter written by his lawyer Tony Lithur, Mr Mahama said Abronye DC has accused him and some members of the NDC of plotting to kill some NPP personalities including his accuser (Abronye DC).

These allegations, according to the letter, were made by Abronye DC in a TV Programme on NET2 in Accra.

According to the letter, Abronye DC also allegedly accused Mr Mahama of killing his former boss, the late President John Evans Atta Mills.

Mr Mahama, in his letter, said the allegations are false.

Below is Mr Mahama’s letter to the CID  


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