5 years agoon
Makosi Musambasi, who starred in the 2005 series of Big Brother UK, joined Nana Adwoa Sarkodie for yet another inspirational Instagram Live session.
The one time famous TV star made an interesting comment about sex saying “Sex is very disempowering. The minute you just have casual sex with someone, it takes away your power. Let them see your naked soul before they see your naked body.”
Now a master life coach trained and certified in Dubai, Makosi and Nana Adwoa discussed the topic “Overcoming Life’s Challenges”.
“Life it self is a challenge which we need to overcome. For me, surviving cancer is just a challenge as surviving diarrhoea. When you’re driving somewhere and encounter a pothole, you don’t drive back to where you came from, you either drive through the pothole or drive around it” she said about her breast cancer ordeal in 2017.
Speaking about her transformation, Makosi simply attributed it to God’s gifts manifesting in different vessels, and the need to be driven by a purpose in life.
“If you understand why you are here, your appetite changes and you can overcome every challenge. If you know your why, then you won’t conform to the pressures of society” she stressed.
She further explained that an easy way of finding one’s purpose is by determining one’s passion. “Your passion is usually intertwined with your purpose. Your passion is what you’re willing to do even without payment.”
Makosi also talked about what she went through after being deported from the UK. The former nurse who hails from Zimbabwe, had been living in the UK on a visa which allowed her to stay as long as she worked for the NHS. She used her career break to appear on Big Brother and this left her in a sticky situation leading to her curtailment.
“I felt a lot of shame, self-blame, regret and had suicidal thoughts; but the only thing that kept me from killing myself was that I didn’t wanna give the newspapers a story about my death.”
“Challenges remind you that you’re not a big deal. When you know you’re not a big deal, that’s when you start to look for who is the big deal, and God is the big deal” she added.
The budding life coach emphasized how she’s able to focus on her goals. “I have a vision of what I want to be at 50years so I have to work towards it and it involves turning down a lot of pleasures like clubbing, partying and rather investing my time in reading, praying and working. It’s a choice we all need to make.”
One remarkable comment she made was – “If you’re looking for easy, then you’re not looking for impact or influence.”
Finally, she dropped a great piece of advice to young ladies concerning marriage.
“If anyone cannot withstand your fire, let them go. Ladies, you will find a man who will not be intimidated by your fire. Stay away from people who want to put out your fire.”
You can rewatch the entire interview on Instagram or Youtube via Nana Adwoa Sarkodie.
Source: Nana Adwoa Sarkodie, Contributor