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Sports Minister Confirms $195 Million Spent on Infrastructure for 13th African Games



Sports Minister Confirms 5 Million Spent on Infrastructure for 13th African Games

The confirmation by Youth and Sports Minister Mustapha Ussif regarding the significant investment in infrastructure development for the 2023 African Games sheds light on the government’s commitment to sports development in Ghana. Here’s a summary of the key points:

  1. Total Expenditure: A total of $195 million has been spent on infrastructure development in preparation for the 2023 African Games.
  2. Primary Venues: The Games will primarily unfold at the Borteyman Sports Complex and University of Ghana Stadium, with support from 15 additional venues.
  3. Infrastructure Breakdown:
  • $145 million invested in constructing a state-of-the-art sports center at Borteyman.
  • $34 million directed towards renovating the University of Ghana Stadium.
  • $16 million earmarked for the refurbishment of the Games Village.
  1. Future Plans: Minister Ussif expressed the government’s intention to transform the Borteyman Sports Complex into a sports university. This strategic move aims to foster the growth and nurture the talents of Ghana’s aspiring sports stars.

Overall, the infrastructure investments underscore Ghana’s commitment to hosting a successful and impactful 2023 African Games while also laying the foundation for long-term sports development in the country.

Source: ghmediahub