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Helping A Man Build His Life From Scratch Doesn’t Mean He Should Marry You – Counselor Lutterodt



Helping A Man Build His Life From Scratch Doesn’t Mean He Should Marry You – Counselor Lutterodt

Controversial self acclaimed relationship and marriage expert, Counselor George Lutterodt has advised women to stop expecting marriage from men they help.

During a  live session on his Instagram page, Counselor Lutterodt stated that women will suffer if they are compensated with marriage after helping a man.

He also advised men not to feel obligated to marry women just because of the help they offered them.

“There are women that are supposed to help us buy houses, help us build shrines, help us build churches, but they are not supposed to become wives. They are not supposed to be wives. We don’t compensate women with marriage when they help us.

“Madam, hear me if you are helping a man to build a business, and he feels so excited. And keeps saying that if not for you, the company wouldn’t grow, and I don’t know what to do for you so that God would forgive me sins. All that I need now is to marry you so that everything ends. Princess, if you help a man and he marries you, you will suffer. Let a man marry you out of his own free will. Let him marry you because he knows in his heart that you deserve to be a wife,” said Counsellor Lutterodt.

He further talked about how married women and baby mamas are treated.

“Let us learn that being a baby mama has a rule. Follow the rule. I keep saying that when a woman legitimately and lawfully decides to have a child with a man whiles you are not married, I am not against you, but you need to understand the protocols that are involved in taking seed for a man that is not married to you. Because there are things that must happen to married women with children. And some things must happen to women who are just baby mamas.”


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