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MOTM! Nana Akata Frimpong Blacko, Black Sherif honored in grand style by Ahafo chief [+Video]



MOTM! Nana Akata Frimpong Blacko, Black Sherif honored in grand style by Ahafo chief [+Video]

The man of the moment in Ghana’s showbiz industry, Black Sherif, has found favour before prominent chiefs and people of Ahafo as they honour him.

The artiste paid homage to the Ahafo Traditional Council, and guess what? He was given a royal welcome; something that will take your regular artists several years to achieve.

Chief of Ahafo Goaso, Nana Kwesi Bosomprah I, allowed him to his palace together with his Blacko Team and it was all joy.

Black Sherif who wore a T-shirt, trousers and a sneaker – re-adorned with traditional wear on the day appeared so happy as the crowd cheered him up.

Some traditional elders helped him wrap the Kente garment before he posed with the Chief and some other personalities.

His team chanted Nana Akata Frimpong Blacko, a name they chanted throughout the programme.

Meanwhile, Burnabow has been able to memorize second Sermon word-for-word.

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