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We’ve begun analyzing 31st December prophesies for breaches – Police



We’ve begun analyzing 31st December prophesies for breaches – Police

The Ghana Police Service says it has begun anaylsing public prophesies of some Christian leaders during their respective 31st December services.

The police says its attention has been drawn to a number of views of such prophesies and it will be looking at the videos to ascertain if they breached the law in any way.

“Multiple video footages have come to our attention regarding the communication of prophecies on the night of 31st December, 2021. Police have begun analysing these videos to ascertain whether any of them Is In breach of the laws of the country and anybody found culpable will be put before the court,” a police statement on Thursday, January 6, 2022 said.

The police in December 2021 urged religious groups and leaders to be measured in the communication of prophecies that could spark panic and controversy.

With the public interest in mind, the police stated that religious freedom is still subject to Ghana’s laws ahead of December 31 watch night services, which are known for delivering prophecies by men of God.

“Over the years, communication of prophecies of harm, danger and death, by some religious leaders, have created tension and panic in the Ghanaian society and put the lives of many people in fear and danger,” it said in a statement.

In a subsequent statement signed by the Director of Public Affairs, Supt. Alexander Obeng, the police said all religious leaders and the public must be minded that its December 2021 caution is not limited to 31st December prophesies but permanently stands.

“We would like to caution that, the law on publication of Information including Prophecies that have the tendency to cause fear and panic or put people’s lives in danger, is not limited to 31st December only, but should be adhered to on a daily basis,” it said.

The Ghana Police Service, while commending all religious leaders and the public for cooperating with them with respect to its security arrangements and New Year prophesies, noted that it is not against the manifestation of any religious belief but will take action when public manifestations undermine the security of the state in any way.

Read the police’s statement below:


  1. The Police wish to commend all religious groups in particular and the public In general, for their support and understanding of our proactive polidng Initiative on the communication of prophecies and related matters prior to the 31st December celebrations.
  2. Following this initiative, multiple video footages have come to our attention regarding the communication of prophecies on the night of 31st December, 2021. Police have begun analysing these videos to ascertain whether any of them Is In breach of the laws of the country and anybody found culpable will be put before the court.
  3. We would like to caution that, the law on publication of Information including Prophecies that have the tendency to cause fear and panic or put people’s lives in danger, is not limited to 31st December only, but should be adhered to on a daily basis.
  4. We wish to reiterate that the law and the Police are not against religious practices or the performance of religious doctrines and beliefs such as prophecies. However, if such information is communicated publicly and undermine the laws of the state, the relevant laws and sanctions will be applied.
We’ve begun analyzing 31st December prophesies for breaches – Police

Source: CNR