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Ghana is 66 and counting



Ghana is 66 and counting

Ghana gained its independence on the 6th of March, 66 years ago and became a republic on the 1st of July the same year.

Through thick and thin, the nation has held unto its freedom that the founding father worked for. In spite of all the hardships that the country has faced and continues to, the core believes instilled in the generations before have been passed down to the generations after.

PC : @freedomoffici16 on IG

Ghana has become a beacon of hope for many countries that hope to acquire the stability the peaceful living in Ghana has brought as it is proudly given the accolade, “The gateway to Africa“.

Ghana as a nation can boast of many natural resources and beautiful sceneries that tends to attract a lot of tourists to the nation.

With our steady growth and the vision of a better Ghana, we will continuously strive as a nation to greatness, with hardiness and consistency as our core values. Ghana will get bigger. Ghana will get better.

Happy Birthday Ghana!

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