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Joe Biden trips and falls after standing for an extended period in Colorado



Joe Biden trips and falls after standing for an extended period in Colorado

During a graduation ceremony for the US Air Force Academy in Colorado, President Joe Biden tripped and fell while handing out diplomas.

The incident occurred as he was standing for an extended period to greet each of the graduating cadets. However, the president appeared to be unhurt and was helped back up to his feet. A sandbag on stage was reported to be the cause of the fall, which Mr. Biden jokingly referred to as being “sandbagged” upon his return to the White House.

Despite concerns about his age, the White House communications director confirmed that the president was fine. Former President Donald Trump and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, both potential 2024 contenders, commented on the incident.

President Biden’s last physical examination, conducted in February, affirmed his fitness for duty. It is not uncommon for presidents to experience such incidents in front of the cameras, as seen in past instances involving President Barack Obama and President Gerald Ford.

Source: AdomOnline

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