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I declined two features from Sarkodie because he didn’t shake my hand – Nasty C



I declined two features from Sarkodie because he didn’t shake my hand – Nasty C

South African rapper Nasty C has revealed how he turned down a feature request from Sarkodie because Sarkodie once refused to shake his hand.

The South African, in a video where he was giving a rap freestyle explained how during his first encounter with Sarkodie, the Ghanaian rapper refused to shake his hand.

According to Nasty C, he held a grudge against Sarkodie since then admitted that, even though he is still a fan, he vowed to never give Sarkodie a verse if he had his break as a musician and according to him, he has declined two feature requests from Sarkodie whiles pretending to be working on an album.

“When I first met Sarkodie, he wouldn’t shake my hands. Cool. I am not too proud to say I am still a fan. But I held a grudge and told myself to wait till I’m the man. I’d never give that man a verse, and I stick to my plan. Two requests over the years and I declined them both, playing a dumb excuse like I’m in album mode”.

Nasty C also added that he is now over it and has the most respect for Sarkodie because, at that time, he was just a disappointed ki, and he will be willing now to give Sarkodie his
hardest verse if he gets another request from the Ghanaian rapper.

“… you see, this is the best way I know how to get stuff out of my chest. I am just a disappointed kid. It’s nothing more or less. But now I am over that, and he got all my respect. If he asks me to do a verse again, it will be my hardest one yet.”

Sarkodie is currently in London promoting his recently released album, ‘Jamz’.

Source: 3news