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Study your Bibles and block your itchy ears; that’s how Pastors take your Money! – Yvonne Nelson



Study your Bibles and block your itchy ears; that’s how Pastors take your Money! – Yvonne Nelson

Actress, Yvonne Nelson has advised all Christians to stick to sound doctrine in the bible so they should stop chasing Pastors and wasting their monies on them.

She made that revelation of thought, In a tweet which got Pastors on the spot of money making business.

Pastors know that people are moving from place to place after their own lusts and are not ready for bible studies to grow them, having itching ears;

‘And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.’, as the bible says.

In a tweet sighted by, the social activist and actress made it so clear.

“That thing you wanna hear is in the Bible! Read it yourself…don’t wait for a pastor to tell you”, she wrote.


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