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Mahama needs to apologize for comparing the free SHS food to dog food



Mahama needs to apologize for comparing the free SHS food to dog food

Kwasi Kwarteng, a spokesperson for the Ministry of Education, has called on former President John Dramani Mahama to apologize to Ghanaian children for comparing the food they are served in schools to dog food.

Mahama expressed concern during a campaign tour in the Central Region that the poor quality of food being served to Senior High School students as part of the government’s free SHS policy was making them sick and uncomfortable.

Kwarteng criticized Mahama for making such a remark and deemed it unpresidential.

He also stated that it was wrong for Mahama to compare food for human beings to that of dogs and reducing school children to such a level was insulting.

Kwarteng demanded an apology from Mahama for his comments.

Source: AdomOnline

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