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First Atlantic Bank Harassment case: Court to keep Honda Civic until final decision.



First Atlantic Bank Harassment case: Court to keep Honda Civic until final decision.

During a hearing at the Accra High Court, it was ruled that a Honda Civic car involved in a case between former national service personnel Seyram Adabla and Chief Finance Officer Ernest Nimako should be held in custody at the court’s registry until a final decision is reached.

Seyram Adablah filed a lawsuit in January, alleging that Nimako had breached a previous agreement to provide her with a car, accommodation for three years, a monthly stipend of GHS 3,000, and marriage after divorcing his wife. The ownership of the car became a point of contention after it was registered in Nimako’s name.

Judge Olivia Obeng Owusu issued the order on May 16, 2023, directing that the Honda Civic with registration number GC 7899-21 be handed over to the High Court’s Registrar until the case is resolved. Nimako is also required to submit all documents relating to the car.

Nimako’s counsel requested the court to prevent Adablah from damaging his client’s reputation through social media posts, citing her activity on platforms like TikTok and Instagram. Adablah’s counsel argued against the allegations, stating that the publications were made before the lawsuit was filed.

In her ruling, Justice Obeng Owusu instructed both parties to refrain from sharing any videos, pictures, or materials on social media or traditional media that could prejudice the case until a final decision is made.

Source: 3News

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